東京都中央区新川1-3-4 PAビル5F
Registration is closed
Have a Ruby project that you're working on? Maybe there's a pull request to an open source project that you've been meaning to make, or a side project that hasn't gotten enough love lately.
In that case, the next Tokyo Rubyist Meetup is for you. For this event, we're providing a space for Rubyists to gather and hack on stuff. I'll be on hand to give you feedback on your project, or answer any questions you have.
Hope to see you there!
— Paul, Organizer of Tokyo Rubyist Meetup
Tokyo Rubyist Meetup (trbmeetup) is an event that seeks to help bridge the Japan and international ruby and ruby on rails community. It will hold regular meetings where Japanese Rubyists can commun...
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