
Javascript meets Ruby in Kamakura

2011-02-20(日)14:00 - 18:00 JST

まんぐうん家 鎌倉メディカルサプライビル4F



For our next event, the Tokyo Rubyist Meetup will take a trip to Kamakura, where will have an afternoon of hacking with Alex MacCaw, followed by a drink at a local bar.

Alex MacCaw is the author of an upcoming Javascript book, and author of Juggernaut. Juggernaut is a way to push data to the client, built on top of node.js, and features a ruby client. The ruby community has recently been abuzz about node.js, an event-driven I/O framework, so this event should be a great opportunity for people with an interest in ruby and server side Javascript to get together.

Note that the office we are meeting at, Manguunchi, is one of KAYAC's offices but not the headquarters which is also nearby. 


Tokyo Rubyist Meetup

Tokyo Rubyist Meetup

Tokyo Rubyist Meetup (trbmeetup)は、日本のRubyistと世界のRubyistとをつなげるための場になることを目指して設立されました。定例会には、東京近郊に住んでいる海外出身のRubyistたちと日本人Rubyistたちが参加します。例会の公用語は英語になりますが、英語が苦手な方も、一緒に英語の練習をするくらいのつもりでお気軽にご参加ください。
