
900K records per second with Ruby, Java, and JRuby

Thu, 13 Aug 2015 19:00 - 22:00 JST


東京都渋谷区神泉町8-16 渋谷ファーストプレイス8F


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¥1,000 prepaid
Drinks and a light meal will be provided



19:00 〜 19:45 Doors open

Grab a drink and catch up with your fellow Rubyists.

19:45 〜 20:15 900K records per second with Ruby, Java, and JRuby Hiroshi Nakamura (@nahi)

Treasure Data is cloud analytics infrastructure. As of the beginning of July 2015, it stores 16 trillion records of customers data, and grows by 900,000 records per second. For handling this data, we are leveraging Ruby, Java, JRuby and many OSS components. In this presentation I'll introduce the system architecture and will discuss how we utilize these languages and OSS components to create a robust, performant, and flexible infrastructure.


Software Engineer at Treasure Data, OSS developer and enthusiast, committer of CRuby and JRuby, and Information Security Specialist

20:15 〜 22:00 Open Networking

Discuss the presentations or anything else Ruby related with the other attendees.

Warning about the Venue

  • From 7pm, the front doors will no longer open automatically from the outside. Wait for someone to come out, and then you can go in.
  • From 9pm, the front door will be locked, so please make sure you arrive before then.

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Tokyo Rubyist Meetup

Tokyo Rubyist Meetup

Tokyo Rubyist Meetup (trbmeetup) is an event that seeks to help bridge the Japan and international ruby and ruby on rails community. It will hold regular meetings where Japanese Rubyists can commun...

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