
Kickoff Party

Wed, 22 Sep 2010 19:00 - 22:00 JST

コスモポリス品川 40F Sky Lounge



We are excited to announce our first event, a kickoff party for the Tokyo Rubyist Meetup.  Beck, one of our members, will host this event at the "Sky Lounge" on the 40th floor of his apartment in Shinagawa.  Join us for great views of Tokyo and lively discussion.  We will provide drinks and food.

Please register in advance so we can prepare an appropriate amount of food and drinks.  When you arrive at the apartment ring room 2201 or ask the concierge to let you in, and then take the elevator directly to the 40th floor.

東京Rubyist Meetup の始まり、キックオフ会を発表します。今度は、メンバーでありBeckさんのマンションの40階のスカイラウンジで集まります。景色と話を楽しみながらキックオフを行います。飲み物と食料を用意します。



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Tokyo Rubyist Meetup

Tokyo Rubyist Meetup

Tokyo Rubyist Meetup (trbmeetup) is an event that seeks to help bridge the Japan and international ruby and ruby on rails community. It will hold regular meetings where Japanese Rubyists can commun...

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