東京都渋谷区神泉町8-16 渋谷ファーストプレイス8F
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Grab a drink and catch up with your fellow Rubyists.
Come learn about the Neo4j graph database and the Neo4j.rb project. Graph databases are a more natural and fun way to store data and are often much faster when querying connections. The Neo4j.rb project includes a driver for Neo4j as well as on OGM (Object Graph Model) for providing a powerful ActiveModel-compliant means of working with a Neo4j database.
Brian Underwood is a developer advocate for Neo4j, a long time Rubyist, and one of the maintainers of the Neo4j.rb project. He is currently on a two year trip around the world with his wife and son. For more information see:
Discuss the presentations or anything else Ruby related with the other attendees.
Tokyo Rubyist Meetup (trbmeetup) is an event that seeks to help bridge the Japan and international ruby and ruby on rails community. It will hold regular meetings where Japanese Rubyists can commun...
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