
The esa way: Creating a Profitable Product from a Hobby Project / Deploying Containerized Rails Apps to AWS Fargate

2018-10-03(水)19:00 - 21:30 JST


東京都渋谷区渋谷二丁目12番19号 東建インターナショナルビル5階




1,000円 前払い
Drinks and a light meal will be provided



19:00 〜 19:30 Doors open

Grab a drink and catch up with your fellow Rubyists.

19:30 〜 19:55 The esa way: Creating a Profitable Product from a Hobby Project Taeko Akatsuka

esa is a SaaS product in which you can share documents with your teammates in a wiki-like format, and is made with Rails. We started esa as a hobby coding project four years ago. Now it has over 2,500 organizations and is profitable. I'll introduce our way of turning a product from a hobby into a business, and how to increase collaboration between engineers.


Taeko Akatsuka is a graphic and UI/UX designer with over 20 years experience. In recent years, she built web services using Rails as a hobby, and then founded esa LLC in 2014. She loves coding and participating in the Ruby community even as a designer. Also, she is known among Rubyists for the "Pixel Sushi" artwork of RubyKaigi 2014 at Tsukiji.

20:00 〜 20:25 Deploying Containerized Rails Apps to AWS Fargate Adam Pahlevi Baihaqi

As a Rubyist, and Rails users, we adore the simplicity and we understand its power. As such, it's kind of intuitive that we prefer Heroku. But sometimes Heroku can be expensive. No?

Imagine if we have an app hosted in a private space in Tokyo. Adding a simple, new-ish microservice app in that space can unnecessarily cost us a fortune. Yet, if we deploy outside of the space, we wouldn't enjoy the same rate of latency.

Choices exist, nevertheless. We can use Google Cloud Platform or AWS. They have servers in Tokyo, but are they simple to use? Well, traditionally we need to learn about Chef, Kubernetes or similar tools so that we can deploy with a hit of "enter" (or "return"). But the learning curve is kinda steep. They necessarily take time to master and are astronomically difficult to comprehend relatively to Heroku.

It turns out, there's AWS Fargate.

In my opinion, AWS Fargate tries to offer Heroku's simplicity, for the containerized world. No deployment script, no complexity, and yes to scalability. It may not replace Heroku entirely, but it's a worthy alternative for some cases.

This talk explores how to deploy a Docker-containerized Rails app into AWS seamlessly using Fargate, and compare it with deploying the same app into Google Cloud Platform using Kubernetes. In the end, we will try to benchmark, with a grain of salt, which platform gives us better performance.


I am like everyone in the community. A software engineer. I am taking a delight in coding and building stuff, at Voyagin. My name is Adam Pahlevi Baihaqi, I come from Gresik, Indonesia born in 1992 when the Mosaic is in development. Have had the chance to talk in Jakarta, KL, and Madrid; I am honored to share something with everyone here in Tokyo.

20:30 〜 21:30 Open Networking

Discuss the presentations or anything else Ruby related with the other attendees.

Venue Sponsor

PIXTA's engineers use Ruby on Rails to build their stock photo marketplace, and are looking for developers to join their team. You can learn more about what they're working on through their engineering blog.

About the Venue

From 19:00, the main entrance of the building is locked. Please use the back entrance (裏手 in Japanese, see this picture of it). The back entrance will be locked from 8pm onwards, so please be sure to show up before then.


Tokyo Rubyist Meetup

Tokyo Rubyist Meetup

Tokyo Rubyist Meetup (trbmeetup)は、日本のRubyistと世界のRubyistとをつなげるための場になることを目指して設立されました。定例会には、東京近郊に住んでいる海外出身のRubyistたちと日本人Rubyistたちが参加します。例会の公用語は英語になりますが、英語が苦手な方も、一緒に英語の練習をするくらいのつもりでお気軽にご参加ください。
