Please note that the doors will be locked from 8pm, so please come before then.
We will have two presentations this time - one about Heroku and the other about Travis CI.
Ayumu Aizawa (@ayumin) is a Ruby committer and works as a Heroku Evangelist at Salesforce.com. He will give an overview of Heroku's new Cedar stack, and will talk about Heroku's plans for Japan.
Randy Morgan (@morgan_randy) works as an Operations Manager for reallyenglish but is also a programmer, so he knows the value of quickly detecting bug. Travis CI is a new continuous integration tool that's integrated with Github. Randy will share what makes Travis CI so great, how he has gotten involved in the project, and why you should use it.
Drinks and pizza will be provided.
19:00 Doors Open
20:00 Presentations
20:30 Open Conversation
22:00 Close
The entrance to the building is right outside the east exit of Ebisu Station. For more detailed instructions, see here (Japanese).
Tokyo Rubyist Meetup (trbmeetup)は、日本のRubyistと世界のRubyistとをつなげるための場になることを目指して設立されました。定例会には、東京近郊に住んでいる海外出身のRubyistたちと日本人Rubyistたちが参加します。例会の公用語は英語になりますが、英語が苦手な方も、一緒に英語の練習をするくらいのつもりでお気軽にご参加ください。